
A message from the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. 

Chief of the Clan Lindsay, Balcarres, Fife

“I am delighted to welcome you to our Clan Lindsay web site.

It is a great portal for the Officers of the Society to inform all our members of their activities; to report on their plans and the outcome of the various Gatherings, business meetings and decisions.  It is available for our members to express their views; their agreement or their disagreement.  Their ideas and suggestions and their comments will be an invaluable way of drawing our Society together.  We hope that it is of interest to Lindsays worldwide.

Membership of The Clan Lindsay Society is open to all who have descent from a Lindsay or bear the name Lindsay, or any of its many spellings, from anywhere in the World.  We hope you enjoy our website and perhaps we will welcome you as a member in the future.

My good wishes to all our Lindsay family around the world.”